
Claire Shea: ‘We were really keen to look at an expanded definition of s...

As the Cass Sculpture Foundation stages its first exhibition of works commissioned by international ...

David Hockney RA: 82 Portraits and 1 Still Life

The brightly coloured faces lining the walls of this exhibition show a human fascination with people...

Philip Hunter: ‘I’ve developed an approach to painting that emulates t...

The Australian artists talks about the influence of Sidney Nolan, his most recent body of works, Geo...

Rana Begum: 'I love using readymade materials in the work'

Studio International visited Rana Begum in her studio in north-east London to talk to her about her ...

Painters’ Paintings: from Freud to Van Dyck

The National Gallery sheds light on the personalities of some of the biggest names in painting, not ...

Georgiana Houghton: Spirit Drawings

She was an abstract painter out of time, a visionary and a maverick, but Georgiana Houghton was also...

The beautiful book: art publishing today

Art books have a special appeal: they are beautiful, collectable objects that are a pleasure to hold...

Moholy-Nagy: Future Present

A major retrospective showcases the work of multimedia Hungarian artist László Moholy-Nagy, who pi...

Susie Hamilton: In Atoms

Concerned with the human condition and the solitary existence of individuals, Hamilton’s paintings...

Yun-Fei Ji: ‘I’m pessimistic about China’

He may use scrolls and work in ink in the millennial-old tradition of Chinese landscape painting, bu...

Jeff Koons: Now

For the second exhibition at his gallery in Vauxhall, Damien Hirst presents more than 30 works by Ko...

Manolo Valdés: ‘I only like apples if they look like Cezanne’s apples...

Like a magpie, taking fragments from works of art that he loves and reinterpreting them in new paint...

Li Jin: Being

Alongside some of his older works, this exhibition focuses on his new, mostly monochrome paintings, ...

Wolfgang Tillmans

What is lost is lost forever, says Tillmans in this politically charged exhibition, which includes p...

Harland Miller: ‘Brevity is no strength of mine’

The writer and artist discusses Berlin, Bowie and alter egos, his show with Blain Southern, and why ...

Dóra Maurer: ‘My work has been based on change, shifting, traces, tempo...

As a new exhibition surveys her 50-years career, the Hungarian artist talks about colour, maths and ...

Almuth Tebbenhoff: ‘I’m wrestling with ideas that are way out of my co...

The sculptor talks about the perpetual puzzle of the cosmos and its vastness, eternity and the meani...

Bhupen Khakhar: You Can’t Please All

Whether depicting the pathos of everyday tradesmen, the union of same-sex lovers, or the embattled d...

Ella Kruglyanskaya

Colourful, cartoonesque depictions of curvaceous, sassy women people the Latvian artist’s painting...

Anthony McCall: ‘I wondered if it would be possible to make a film that ...

The artist, a key figure in the avant-garde London Film-makers’ Co-operative in the 1970s, discuss...

Guillermo Kuitca

In this bold collection of paintings, the Argentinian artist demonstrates his “cubistoid” style,...

Francis Bacon: Invisible Rooms

The largest exhibition of Bacon’s paintings ever held in the north of England, it takes as its cur...

Cuba Libre, Con Permiso

Artists are the new plutocrats in Cuba and, with trade embargos with the US likely to be lifted soon...

Maria Lassnig

Concerned with the fundamental problem of the location of the body, both on canvas and in the world,...

Tess Jaray: Dark & Light

In this exhibition, which comprises three triptychs and two small standalone pieces, Jaray’s inter...

Cory Arcangel – interview: ‘Making art is just basically dowsing’

Brooklyn-based artist Cory Arcangel talks about his latest show at the Lisson Gallery in London, bil...

Sunken Cities: Egypt’s Lost Worlds

Ongoing excavations of two rediscovered cities have shone light on a rich era in Egyptian history, a...

György Kovásznai: A Cold War Artist. Animation. Painting. Freedom

The first UK retrospective of the work of the Hungarian artist, film-maker and animator displayed hi...

Fox Talbot: Dawn of the Photograph

This exhibition tells the story of the birth of photography, exploring the vision of the Victorian i...

Katie Paterson: ‘As a child, I used to practise daydreaming’

With her largest UK show to date currently on at the Lowry, the artist talks about the relationship ...

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