Glenn Ligon, who was born in 1960, is famed for his thought-provoking works, which combine text, sil...
A pioneer in modern Italian art, Nanda Vigo has continually skirted the confines of design, architec...
Nadav Kander is an award-winning photographer with an international reputation. He has photographed ...
In this conversation with Studio International about her first retrospective, titled Scenarios, at t...
Folkestone Triennial 2014: video interviews with curator Lewis Biggs, Alastair Upton, chief executiv...
The work of rootoftwo also responds to anxiety, but by measuring social media and people’s respons...
Emma Hart’s work is full of anxiety. Located in an empty domestic space on Tontine Street, Folkest...
Pablo Bronstein, whose Sketches for Regency Living graced the walls of the ICA in London this summer...
Jyll Bradley, a native of Folkestone, has returned to the town to create a wonderful homage to the K...
Fresh from his incredible journey with Nowhereisland, Alex Hartley speaks to us from his lookout ato...
Lewis Biggs is this year’s curator of the Folkestone Triennial, invited to join after 11 years as ...
Alastair Upton is chief executive of The Creative Foundation, an independent visionary arts charity ...
Anna McNay spoke to Ed Atkins about his current exhibition at the Serpentine Sackler Gallery, where ...
Anita Taylor, dean of Bath School of Art and Design at Bath Spa University and the founder of the Je...
Drawn Together: Artist as Selector
Anita Taylor, dean of Bath School of Art and Design at Bath Spa University and the founder of the Je...
Studio International visited the painter Rose Wylie in her studio in Kent, to see the new paintings ...
Ben Quilty’s first solo London show opened at the Saatchi Gallery on 4 July, celebrating his winni...
Richard Jackson: New Paintings
Richard Jackson (born 1939) has been a pre-eminent figure on the American art scene since the 70s an...
We spoke to her ahead of the opening of 512 hours about why, for her, presence is so important, what...
Royal Academy Summer Exhibition 2014
Studio International visited this year’s Royal Academy Summer Exhibition before the party began, a...
Studio International visited the Alan Cristea gallery to talk to the painter Ben Johnson. This is hi...
The multidisciplinary artist Shezad Dawood’s first solo London show opened at the Parasol Unit in ...
Diverse Maniere: Piranesi, Fantasy and Excess
Sir John Soane’s Museum was conceived as a place of inspiration, learning and provocation for “a...
From Gucci to Gaultier: London hosts two major fashion exhibitions
This month sees the opening in London of two major fashion exhibitions: The Glamour of Italian Fashi...
Zhang Enli, interview, Hauser & Wirth, London. We came to see Zhang’s current exhibition at Hauser...
Alex Warren and Tobias Ross-Southall, directors of Eleanor: interview
An extraordinary collaborative enterprise (displayed at the Cob Gallery Camden as a three-screen ins...
Liliane Lijn (b1939) gives Studio International a tour of some of her key works in her north London ...
Kurt Jackson, one of Britain's most celebrated landscape painters, talks to Studio International abo...
Tomás Saraceno’s work encompasses utopian architectural proposals exploring his ideas for a susta...
To mark the start of its 20th year, the Arts Catalyst, an organisation that puts a cultural spin on ...