Published  30/11/-0001

When the Heavens Meet the Earth

Showcasing works from Robert Devereux’s Sina Jina African art collection, this small but dense exh...

Chto Delat: ‘Before you can recognise the light, you have to recognise t...

Dmitry Vilensky and Olga Egorova of the Russian collective Chto Delat talk about their latest exhibi...

Toshiyuki Inoko: ‘We are exploring the ways in which the relationships b...

The founder of teamLab, an interdisciplinary group of ‘ultra-technologists’, explains how digita...

Tara Donovan: ‘I’m interested in exploring the moment where the condit...

The artist explains that, although her latest work, Compositions (Cards), may seem very different fr...

Yuko Mohri: 'I’m very curious about organic ecosystems'

Mohri talked to Studio International before the opening of her exhibition Moré Moré [Leaky] and ex...

Vera Möller: ‘My father thought going to art school was like wanting to...

The German-born artist explains why she first studied biology rather than art, how her scientific ba...

Thomas Hirschhorn: ‘The Gramsci Monument, like all monuments, is made fo...

The artist talks about his commitment to art in public spaces, describes how the Gramsci Monument in...

Laura Oldfield Ford: ‘I map ruptures, such as the London riots’

Oldfield Ford spends a lot of time walking through the capital’s streets and, from the fanzine she...

Candida Powell-Williams: ‘Each object becomes more than just the narrati...

The artist shows us round her immersive installation, exploring the fetishism of anthropological obj...

Mai-Thu Perret: ‘I had this urge to portray these female warriors’

The multi-disciplinary artist talks about her continuing fictional narrative The Crystal Frontier, h...

Linda Stupart: ‘I’m interested in thinking about a world without men’

The writer, sculptor and performance artist talks about the power of crystals, witchcraft and using ...

David Brian Smith: ‘My cause is to fight for the plight of the English c...

The painter’s pop-coloured vision of the English countryside belies a sad truth, but as Smith demo...

Sheida Soleimani: ‘Does someone really want to buy an image of an execut...

Surrounded by her neon memorials to women killed in Iran, Soleimani discusses the state-sanctioned m...

Ed Webb-Ingall: ‘I am a product of lesbian history and a child of sectio...

The video-maker talks about working with communities, his current work, We Have Rather Been Invaded,...

Titus Kaphar: ‘My subconscious mind had created a fiction that masquerad...

For his current exhibition at Jack Shainman Gallery in New York, Titus Kaphar looks to historical po...

Aki Sasamoto: ‘I enjoy how much I can push meaning with the wrong answer...

New York-based performance artist Aki Sasamoto has a tendency to speak entirely in metaphor, sit in ...

Maria Nepomuceno: ‘I want to create a place where people can be suspende...

Brazilian artist Maria Nepomuceno talks about her fascination with hammocks, her novel way of amalga...

Hedy Ritterman: ‘My motivation was to confront mortality, identity and l...

Ritterman talks about how her current exhibition, which includes more than 700 of her late husband...

Susannah Stark: ‘I like to create something that bears the trace of mult...

The artists talks about cultural memories, Spolia, swamps and Icelandic necropants...

Hugo McCloud: ‘I respect the beauty in the things that are overlooked’

The emerging artist Hugo McCloud, whose layered abstract paintings concentrate on process and materi...

Caragh Thuring: ‘It’s a sort of standoff – how am I going to deal wi...

The Brussels-born artist discusses reconstructing old paintings as tapestries to create new work, wh...

Mette Edvardsen: ‘If forgetting is important, then so is remembering’

The dancer, choreographer and performer talks about memorising books and then retelling them, and ex...

Kong Ning: ‘Being a witness mentally scarred me’

Multidisciplinary artist and environmental activist Kong Ning is based in Beijing. Born in Heilongji...

Bloomberg New Contemporaries 2016

Since 1949 New Contemporaries has hand-picked graduate and emerging artists to present them to the p...

George Ridgway: interview

George Ridgway graduated last year from the Glasgow School of Art. His work traverses painting and i...

Kate Fahey: interview

Kate Fahey is concerned with slowing down how we interact with images. In the age of Google, where o...

Seungjo Jeong: interview

South Korean artist Seungjo Jeong creates pared-back canvases that explore the relationship between ...

Fabienne Verdier: ‘I am an intrepid woman, a bit of a rebel maybe’

Verdier explains her unique method of vertical painting, using a handmade brush with a large reserve...

Roger Hiorns – interview: ‘It isn’t enough to put an artwork in the ...

Roger Hiorns explains his methods of exploration and excavation, and why he believes art is not so m...

Sophie Jung: ‘I don’t trust language’

The performance artist talks about Chinese encyclopaedias, the Austrian feminist playwright Elfriede...

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