Published  18/04/2005

Photographers\' Gallery Revived

With the support of the Deutsche Börse Group, the Photographers' Gallery in London has been saved. This is an astute move for new backers, the German stock exchange, which has its own, highly-prized collection. As a result of this excellent demonstration of support, first prize for the annual Photographers' Gallery award now amounts to £30,000. Participants are nominated following shows or publications that have appeared in Europe over the past year. The shortlist for 2005 includes French photographer Luc Delahaye, who has moved from documenting wars to notable political events, and US photographer, Stephen Shore who, by contrast, has documented landscapes from the Yosemite National Park, foregoing the sublime of the 19th century American painters to provide a parody of a tourist perspective. As usual, deciding on the eventual winner will be tortuous.

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