Published  01/12/1974

Studio International – December 1974

Studio International – December 1974

Volume 188 Number 972


218  American painting and British painting: some issues/Terry Smith

224  Two recent works/Douglas Huebler

226  Road-digging and aestheticism: Oxford in 1874/Tim Hilton

230  William Scott in conversation with Tony Rothon

232  What sculpture is 1 & 2/William Tucker

235  Agnes Denes: analytical works

239  The mechanism of control and unofficial art in the USSR/Igor Golomshtock

244  NSCAD prints/Eric Cameron

249  Review

265  Guide to publishers, presses and galleries dealing in graphics

Editor/Peter Townsend
Managing Director/Brian Rushton
Assistant Editors/John McEwen, Irena Oliver
Editorial Secretary/Cherry Jaquet
Art Direction/Malcolm Lauder
Advertisement Manager/Martin Rewcastle
Production/Lyndon Haywood
Contributing Editors/Dore Ashton (New York),
Jean Clay (Paris), Frank Whitford, Charles Harrison,
Tim Hilton, John Elderfield
Editorial Advisory Committee:
JP Hodin (International relations)
Alan Bowness, Andrew Forge, David Thompson,
Joseph Rykwert, John Golding

Publishers/Michael Spens, D Thomas Bergen (USA)

Studio International, December 1974, Volume 188 Number 972. Cover: specially designed for this issue by Kurt Kranz, who recently had an exhibition at the New York Cultural Centre.

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