Published  04/03/2003

NYC Sex in the City

The Museum of Sex recently opened in New York City. Unlike the wow TV series Sex in the City, which is strangely, obliquely conservative (well, with a small 'c'), this museum intends to show how even sex in America transforms its meaning and purpose (not part of the war aims in Texas). Like a massive version of a porn shop, the building façade that confronts the passer-by as he or she rounds the corner on East 27th Street, is curiously composed of a frontage of frosted green glass. The Fifth Avenue address belies a certain perceived sleaziness not dispelled by underdressed females at the pay points. The museum aims to reveal all sexual antics and vices galore. There is also a curious sideshow, a cabinet where revolting medical pornography is set out together with cautionary exhibits of the effects of tertiary syphilis.

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