Published  01/03/1971

Studio International – March 1971

Studio International – March 1971

Volume 181 Number 931


90  Project 84/David Dickson

92  Date with fate at the Tate/Felipe Ehrenberg

94  News and notes

95  Correspondence

95  Haacke, Sonfist and Nature/Jonathan Benthall

97  Christo/Lawrence Alloway

100  Tantric imagery: affinities with twentieth-century abstract art/Virginia Whiles

108  Robert Medley’s new paintings/Bryan Robertson

110  Commentary/John Russell

112  Albert Irvin/Andrew Forge

113  Andy Warhol and Ad Reinhardt/Max Kozloff

118  The conditional probability machine: a new work by Eduardo Paolozzi/Diane Kirkpatrick

122  Between spring and ocean/Klaus Rinke

126  Lawrence Weiner/Anthony Lovell

129  Supplement: new and recent art books/Reviews by Jonathan Benthall, Bernard Denvir, Andrew Forge, Peter Gidal, Andrew Higgens, Timothy Hilton, Colin Moorcraft, John Picton, Barbara Reise, Frank Whitford

Editor/Peter Townsend
Assistant Editor/Charles Harrison
Business Manager/C. Szymborski
Art Editor/Malcolm Lauder
Advertising Manager/Thelma Watt
Contributing Editors/Dore Ashton (New York),
Jean Clay (Paris), Frank Whitford, Barbara Reise

Editorial Advisory Committee:
J.P. Hodin (International relations)
Alan Bowness, Andrew Forge, David Thompson

International Advisory Panel:
Argentina: Jorge Romero Brest
Austria: Georg Eisler
Belgium: Michael Seuphor
Brazil: Mario Pedrosa
Canada: David Silcox
France: Jacques Lassaigne
Germany: Dr Werner Schmalenbach
Holland: Prof. A. M. Hammacher
Israel: Haim Gamzu
Italy: Prof. G. C. Argan
Japan: Shuzo Takiguchi
Scandinavia: Leif Ostby
Spain: Alejandro Cirici-Pellicer
Switzerland: Dr Carola Giedion-Welcker
U.S.A.: Thomas M. Messer, J.J. Sweeney
Yugoslavia: Aleksa Celebonovic

Studio International, 1971, March 1971, Volume 181 Number 931. Cover image: Costume designed by L. Popova for The Magnanimous Cuckold, 1921, one of the exhibits in the Arts Council exhibition Art in Revolution: Soviet art and design since 1917, at the Hayward Gallery, London, until April 18.

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