Studio International

Published 01/09/1973

Studio International – September 1973

Volume 186 Number 958


62  An interview with Lawrence Alloway/James Reinish

65  On the logic of artistic discovery: art as mimetic conjecture/Suzi Gablik

68  Correspondence

69  The climate of the first Italian abstract movement/Guido Ballo

77  Footsteps of a master: the Jules Olitski retrospective/Ken Carpenter

80  Primitivism in the first wave of the twentieth-century avant garde in Russia/Ivor Davies

85  Malcolm Hughes and the open book/Stephen Bann

91  Principles of transitoriness/Dore Ashton

93  The life and death of the multiple/Charles Spencer

95  Multiples directory

97  Review

Editor/Peter Townsend
Managing Director/Brian Rushton
Assistant Editors/John McEwen, Irena Oliver
Editorial Secretary/Thelma Watt
Art Director/Tony Garrett
Advertisement Manager/Martin Rewcastle
Advertising assistant/Janine Szynkman
Production/Lyndon Haywood
Contributing Editors/Dore Ashton (New York),
Jean Clay (Paris), Frank Whitford, Charles Harrison,
Tim Hilton, John Elderfield
Editorial Advisory Committee:
J.P. Hodin (International relations)
Alan Bowness, Andrew Forge, David Thompson,
Joseph Rykwert, John Golding

Publishers/Michael Spens, D. Thomas Bergen (USA)
