Studio International

Studio International – June 1973

Studio International – June 1973

Volume 185 Number 956


250  ‘A child of six could do it’: Cartoons from the Tate Gallery exhibition

252  Eisenstein/Brakhage/Paul Willemen

253  Art education and immigrant children/Clive Coiling

254  ‘Art is not free’/Daniel Buren

255  Correspondence

257  Jackson Pollock and nature/Ellen H. Johnson

263  Czech letter/Jindřich Chalupecký

269  Idea demonstrations: body art and ‘video freaks’ in Sydney/introduction by Donald Brook

274  From a discussion between John Plumb and Marc Vaux

277  Directory of publishers, presses and galleries dealing in graphics

285  Review

Editor/Peter Townsend
Managing Director/Brian Rushton
Assistant Editor/John McEwen
Assistant Editor (Production)/Irena Oliver
Editorial Secretary/Zabelle Stenton
Art Director/Tony Garrett
Advertisement Manager/Martin Rewcastle
Advertising assistant/Janine Szynkman
Contributing Editors/Dore Ashton (New York),
Jean Clay (Paris), Frank Whitford, Charles Harrison,
Tim Hilton

Editorial Advisory Committee:
J.P. Hodin (International relations)
Alan Bowness, Andrew Forge, David Thompson,
Joseph Rykwert, John Golding

Publishers/Michael Spens, D. Thomas Bergen (USA)
US Advertisement Representative/Paul Shanley

Studio International, 1973, June 1973, Volume 185 Number 956. Cover: specially designed for this issue by Jim Dine.