Studio International

Published 01/01/1975

Studio International – January/February 1975

Volume 189 Number 973


Publishers’ Statement

2  Art and the State and the State of Art/Robyn Denny

10  New Paintings by Ben Nicholson/Geoffrey Grigson

12  China’s Spare-time Artists/Guy Brett

16  What Sculpture Is, Parts 3 and 4/William Tucker

20–60 Supplement: Marcel Duchamp

20  Introduction: The Spectacle of Duchamp/Anthony Hill

23  Marcel Duchamp as a Chess Player and One or Two Related Matters/François Le Lionnais interviewed by Ralph Rumney

26  Max Bill on Duchamp

28  Where do we go from Here?/Marcel Duchamp

29  A Complete Reversal of Art Opinions by Marcel Duchamp, Iconoclast

30  Nothing but an Artist/Jindřich Chalupecký

48  Kupka, Duchamp and Marey/Margit Rowell

52  Chart of Duchamp’s activities

53  Anémic-Cinéma/Katrina Martin

61-80  Review

Contributors to this issue:
Robyn Denny was given a retrospective at the Tate in spring 1973.
Geoffrey Grigson is a poet and critic.
William Tucker has recently published a collection of his essays, ‘The Language of Sculpture’, Thames & Hudson, London, 1974.
Guy Brett is a freelance writer, currently engaged in raising money to support artists in Chile.
Anthony Hill is an artist and an Honorary Research Fellow in mathematics at London University.
François Le Lionnais is a distinguished scientist and chess player (see p.23).
Ralph Rumney is an artist and archivist.
Jindřich Chalupecký, who lives in Prague, is a well-known Czech critic.
Margit Rowell is mounting the forthcoming exhibition of work by Kupka at the Guggenheim Museum, New York.
Katrina Martin works at the Visual Resources Centre Inc, New York.
Max Bill recently retired from the professorship of environmental design at Hamburg University. He has a design office in Zürich.
A.R.S. (see p.52) stands for Arts Research Syndicate, which was founded in the late 60s.

Editor/Peter Townsend
Assistant Editors/John McEwen, Irena Oliver
Editorial Secretary/Patricia Bailey
Art Direction/Ron Saxby, Catherine Wild
Advertisement Manager/Martin Rewcastle
Production/Lyndon Haywood
Contributing Editors/Dore Ashton (New York),
Jean Clay (Paris), Frank Whitford, Charles Harrison,
Tim Hilton, John Elderfield
Editorial Advisory Committee:
JP Hodin (International relations)
Alan Bowness, Andrew Forge, David Thompson,
Joseph Rykwert, John Golding

Publishers/Michael Spens, D Thomas Bergen (USA)
